9am Teams Meeting
Please login to your Teams Welcome Meeting
Berkshire Virtual School Games
Reading Comprehension
This week your challenge is to read the text within 60 seconds! Can you get an adult to time you?
Wb 8th February |
gentle |
giant |
magic |
large |
gem |
bridge |
Watch this taught video and after complete the task below.
This week you are going to be writing a poem all about you! Can you draw an outline of yourself and put adjectives around the outside and inside? Watch this taught video by Mrs Rice
Watch this taught lesson by Mrs Rice

Now have a go at the activity yourself. Please upload a picture to your Teams Assignment once you have completed it. You can use the adjective mats below to help you.

Mental Maths
Internet Safety Day!
Watch the Safer Internet Day Assembly

Watch Miss George explain your activity

2pm Teams Call
Please log in to our feedback meeting to go through our maths lesson today.
Collective Worship
Watch the video clip below which is an animation of Luke 4 1-13. In this clip we see how Jesus had great trust in God despite the devil trying to tempt him. Who do you have great trust in? Why? Share your answer with someone at home.
Please look at the sheet below. This is to work on all week. By the end of the week you should have mastered this pattern. Some of the patterns are words and some are letter patterns for you to master. If you want to do more, try writing a sentence with these words.
Before you begin your handwriting you may wish to warm up your hands using some of these exercises.
Story Time