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Family Support




Mrs Sharon Cox – Family Support Advisor


I joined Binfield C.E. Primary School (V.A.) in September 2014. I have over 20 years’ experience of working with children and families through various roles.  As your FSA,   I offer support, guidance and sign-posting on things like parenting strategies, self-esteem, boundaries, behaviour, budgeting and debt, relationships, mediation, bereavement, mental health, or anything that is impacting on family and school life. I am also very happy just to offer a non-judgmental friendly ear, because, for all of us, sometimes things just get too much.


I am available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, and where possible I have an ‘open door’ approach, which means that if you have a problem that you want to discuss and I am free, we can talk it through there and then.  If, however, you would prefer to make an appointment, then that is also fine.  I can be contacted via the school office or email (


Is your child entitled to Pupil Premium?

As of September 2014, all pupils in Year R, 1 and 2 will be entitled to a Universal (free) school meal under the Government’s new initiative. This does not mean they are entitled to the Pupil Premium.  The Pupil Premium is an additional grant from the Government which is given to schools in order to support pupils from low income families, children in care or those with parents in the armed forces.  The grant allocated to the school for 2014-2015 is between £1300-£1900 per child, depending on eligibility category.


If you think you are eligible for Pupil Premium then please speak to the  office for more information and a form to complete – this should either be returned to us or to School Admissions.


Parenting Workshops
For further details and availability on parenting workshops including Anxiety, Managing Behaviour, Pre-Teens and many others, please contact me.


NHS One You campaign

Slimming World is working in partnership with Public Health England on a new campaign, One You, the government’s new adult health drive designed to help you live a longer, healthier and happier life.  If you have a BMI of over 30 you can get a referral for 12 free weeks with Slimming World. For further details, please contact me.


Find out how to calculate your BMI here:


More information on the One You campaign can be found here:

Upcoming Courses

Welcome to Frimley Health & Integrated Care System



Useful links for advice and support:

Bracknell Forest SEN offer information and links


Child Line – 0800 1111
Get help and advice about a wide range of issues, bulling, abuse, safety and the law, you and your body, your feelings, friends and relationships, home and families and school.


Young Minds – 0808 802 5544
Young Minds is the UK’s leading charity championing the wellbeing and mental health of young people.


Family Lives – for information, tips and advice on most aspects of family life:


Grandparents Plus – useful information for grandparents supporting children:


Turn2us – a national charity that helps people in financial hardship gain access to welfare benefits, charitable grants and support services:


Bracknell Foodbank – the Foodbank provides nutritionally balanced emergency food for people in need in the Bracknell Forest area who are referred by a wide range of local agencies and organisations. Each food pack contains enough food for three days and the food is donated by local people and businesses.  Bracknell Foodbank is open three days a week at The Kerith Centre: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 12 – 2.30 pm.


If you feel the Foodbank could help you, please contact the FSA in confidence (
Trussel Trust


Bracknell Clothes Bank – the Clothes Bank operates a voucher system, similar to the Foodbank. If you would like a voucher, please contact our FSA Sharon Cox at fsa@binfieldschool.com


Autism – advice and support:


MIND – advice and support:


BWA works against domestic abuse and violence, providing advice, counselling and places of safety in Reading, Wokingham and Bracknell, Berkshire UK:


SAFE supports young people affected by crime:


Care for the Family is a national charity which aims to promote strong family life and to help those who face family difficulties:


Christians against Poverty – whether you’re feeling the weight of debt, struggling to find work or trying to overcome a dependency, Christians against Povery can help:


Berkshire Credit Union – credit unions are not for profit, community institutions, owned and controlled by their members – the people who save and borrow with it. This can often provide a vital alternative to payday or door step lending and loan sharks. Among the services on offer at BCU are ways to allocate money for regular bills, ways to save just a little every month, a pre-paid Visa card and a range of affordable loans at fair interest rates.   Find out more about the Berkshire Credit Union and how to become a member by going to


National Debtline – free online debt advice and  helpline:


Relate – relationship advice and support:


ERIC is a UK charity, Education and Resources for Improving Childhood Continence, including bedwetting, nocturnal enuresis, daytime wetting, soiling and constipation:


Tourettes Action is the leading support and research charity for people with Tourette Syndrome and their families. It offers those with the condition and their families the practical support and social acceptance they need to help them live their lives to the full: Tourettes


Counselling Directory – this website contains links to counsellors in your area, plus articles and tips regarding depression, relationship problems and where to get help with these issues – it’s definitely worth a look, even if just for advice and support:

Family Conflict – an interesting read!

Parenting practices and partnerships with early years practitioners – interesting video blogs from parents from the Centre of Early Childhood Research:


Support for Young Carers – young carers have the right to information and to an assessment of the support they need from the council.  The link below includes a free guide explaining what those rights are. It is written for all young carers and young adult carers, especially for those aged eight to twenty-five:


Bedtime routine – if you are having difficulty with bedtimes and have children in the lower school, you may find this article useful:


Resilience in Children – an interesting article worth a read:


Cyberbullying – useful advice for parents and carers: Cyberbullying

Staying safe on-line

An interesting article on the effect of social media on the young brain:
The Teen Brain on Social Media


National Online Safety’s #WakeUpWednesday campaign
National Online Safety has teamed up with MusicAlternative to launch a Fortnite online safety song for your school to share with its whole school community! Our song encourages parents and carers to “stay switched on” to online dangers when their children are playing Fortnite. We hope you love this video just as much as we do!

YouTube link:


Knife Crime Awareness


Useful information for children and young people about knife crime and what they can do if they are involved:


Information for parents


Information on the Knife Free Campaign


Primary school:

(This is dated but relevant and is in child friendly language)


What the law says about gangs, knife crime and carrying a weapon
The law focuses on criminal behaviour. If an offender is part of a group or a gang, this may lead to a longer sentence.


  • If your child’s presence or actions lead to a crime they could be charged with the same offence as the main offender. For example, if they provided support or encouragement to a fellow gang member who committed a robbery or injured someone, they too could be charged with the offence. This is called joint enterprise.
  • It is illegal to carry a knife in a public place, even if it belongs to someone else.
  • It is also illegal to carry a folding pocketknife if the edge of the blade exceeds 3 inches.
  • It is illegal to carry a pocketknife if the blade can be locked.
  • It is illegal to carry any knife, including folding knives, if there is intent to use it as a weapon, even if it belongs to someone else.
  • The maximum sentence for possessing a knife in a public place without a good excuse has been increased from two to four years for 16-17 year olds and adults.
  • It is illegal to keep any prohibited firearm, or to carry any firearm – including an imitation firearm – in public, even if you are carrying it for someone else.
  • The maximum sentence for unlawful possession of a prohibited firearm is 10 years. The minimum sentence is three years for 16-17 year olds and five years for adults.
  • Police can and will search someone if they believe they are carrying a gun, knife or other weapon.
  • Police and school staff can also search young people for weapons at school.


You should call 101 to report crime and other concerns that do not require an emergency response. Call 999 in an emergency.


