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Please login to Teams for our daily welcome 

Mental Maths

We'd like you to spend 20 minutes on T.T. Rockstars - including a sound-check.

Guided Reading


Complete the Century tech SPaG nugget called Skimming and Scanning.

Go onto teams, onenote. I have distributed a page to all of you in your folder called week 2, 11.01.21. 


Interpret charts

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Watch this taught lesson on interpreting charts.

Now after watching the video complete the sheet


This week we will be learning about Holi.

Follow this link to the BBC website to learn about what Holi is, as well as when and how it is celebrated. Using the information from the web-page, it is you job to pretend you are present at a Holi celebration and write in informal letter to the class detailing why, where, how and what is happening.

If you would like to extend your learning, read through these pages and included as much detail as you can in your letter.

If you would like some support, use this template to help you.

2pm TEAMS 

Please login to Teams for our feedback session and collective worship. If you are unable to join us please listen to the prayer below. 

Collective Worship

Binfield Primary School Prayer

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Watch the video below.
Can you join in with our school prayer?

Class Text

See last week's folder if you need to read chapter 1 of Street Child smiley

Chapter 2

Still image for this video