Please login to Teams for our daily welcome.
P.E with Joe Wickes
Reading Comprehension
Read the text and answer the questions below.
Now, watch the video below, and go through the answers with Mrs Fenner!
Guided Reading Answers with Mrs Fenner!

Watch the video below.
Now answer the questions on the sheet below.
You might like to check your answers using the answer sheet below.
Click the link below and complete your Century Tech nugget for today on standard English.
Watch Mrs Fenner's English video below.
Mrs Fenner's English Video

Complete the activity explained in the video above.
*Send this work on Teams as this is your Wednesday assignment.*
You may like to use the sentence starters and subordinating conjunctions sheets below to help you.
Mental Maths
Click the link below and complete your Maths Century Tech nugget for today.
Watch Mrs Norman's video, then also watch the video below. Complete the task set in Mrs Norman's video.
Geography with Mrs Norman

Now watch the video below. Don't worry that the picture is not displayed. You can still watch it by clicking on the blue button.
Please login to Teams for our feedback session and collective worship.
If you are unable to join us, please listen (and join in, if you wish) to the hymn below.
Collective Worship
Watch the video below.
The Unforgiving Servant.mp4

Story Time
4RN: Mrs Kelley has recorded some more chapters of 'Gobbolino, the Witch's Cat.'
Chapter 9

4EF - Mrs Harrop has recorded the final few chapters of The Person Controller for you! Enjoy!
Chapter 57