Year 6
Year 6 Welcome Meeting 2024-2025
PGL Meeting 09.05.24
Year 6 SATS Meeting - 01.11.23
Remote learning 27th September
Handwriting: Please complete the handwriting sheet below in your neatest handwriting. Remember to join your letters correctly - this piece could be shown to Mrs Mistry for your pen license!
Reading: You have some options for reading today!
1. Read your reading book for 20 minutes. Write a short summary of what you have read and try to explain some of the characters' feelings or actions. Make a prediction for what will happen next!
2. Complete at least 2 Reading nuggets on Century Tech. Make sure you watch ALL of the videos!
3. Complete the reading comprehension below. You can check your answers AFTER you have completed it.
4. If you have a LEXIA account, spend 20 minutes on LEXIA.
Writing: Look at the document below. Read the information and complete the activities.
I'm looking forward to hearing your ideas when we're back at school, so please bring in your work when we return ready to share with the class. Your work today will help us when we write our newspaper reports next week!
Spellings: Watch the video below and then spend some time practising your spellings for this week.
You might like to use the 'Look, Cover, Write, Check' method or you might like to write your spelling words in lots of different ways, e.g. in fancy writing, in felt tip pen, upside down, in a spiral, back to front... Get creative! Just make sure you spell the words correctly!
Maths: Please watch the video of the lesson on Prime numbers and then log into your Century Tech account and complete the nugget you have been allocated. It will show in your path.
Geography: Please look through the PowerPoint and complete the activity on the final slide. When we return to school, bring your work in with you so we can stick it into your book.
French: Please follow the link below, complete the lesson on 'places in town' and the related games.
Final thought for the day: