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W.C- 4.1.21


Hello Year 5!


Welcome back to the home learning page. The timetable below will tell you which subjects you'll be learning about on what day and at what time. Have a look at the timetable each morning to find out which. Then, look at the subject lists below and complete the task for each day.


There are English tasks in the morning, followed by Maths tasks before lunch. In the afternoons there are foundation subjects, plus Newsround.


Good luck! 


Mr S and Mrs A


(My computer was very cold last time I used it. I'd left all its windows open!)

Welcome! From Mrs Ahmed

Still image for this video
Please watch this video and Mr Sutton's video.

Video 04-01-2021, 17 55 32 (2).mov

Still image for this video


Every Day Activities


Please see Century tech assignments for this week and modal verbs is Fridays activities.

This week and next week we are learning about informal letter writing. We are going to be reading Skellig by David Almond and Street Child by Berlie Doherty. 

Below will be activities related to informal letter writing. Also, a reading of the first few chapters of Skellig via YouTube.

Skellig by David Almond, Chapters 1-4

Please listen to the 4 chapters.

Skellig by David Almond, Chapters 5-7

Street Child- Chapter 1

Still image for this video


The Maths tasks this week are from the Oak National Academy (it's tree-rrific!). Please watch the videos and complete the tasks for each day.


Please remember, each day, to complete 20 minutes on TT Rockstars, including a sound-check.

Outdoor Activity

On Thursday, We'd like you to read through the presentation and take the activity card outside. How many different kinds of soils can you find in your garden? Make sure you wash you hands thoroughly after you have finished.

Afternoon Activities



On Monday afternoon, we'd like you to read through the information below, on the subject of new year's resolutions. Watch the video and then complete the task.


To complete the task:

  • fold the paper over so it says 2021 on the front
  • cut along the dotted lines
  • complete each sentence under the flaps you have just cut out


On Tuesday afternoon, follow the link to the French Games website, complete the listening task and have a go at the exercises!


On Wednesday afternoon, we would like to to visit the BBC Bitesize website below. Watch the videos, read the text and then answer the interactive quiz!



On Thursday afternoon, we'd like to to re-visit the website and use your computing skills!


On Thursday afternoon, we'd like you to try these Science activities!


On Friday afternoon, we'd like you to try these PE activities.

End of the Day Activities

Assembly Time

During assembly time this week, we'd like you to watch the following videos and answer these questions:


  • What skills are the children in this video learning?
  • How will these skills help them in later life?
  • How do you feel when you learn new skills?
  • What skills are you in the process of learning?