Thursday 14.01.2021
Morning Task 8:30-9:00am
Spend 30 mins on Century Tech this morning!
Follow your path or have another go at a previous nugget to improve your score!
Try and blow us away with your scores- we will be checking them!
9am Teams
Please may you log onto Teams at 9am for our Daily Welcome and explanation of the work for the day.
Guided Reading 9:30-10:00
Today's task will be set as an assignment on Teams.
Maths 10:00-11:20
Please work through this powerpoint.
There are audio clips from Miss Watton to explain the activities.
Here are the worksheets to complete alongside the powerpoint.
There may even be some pictures of Buddy on them...
English 11:25-12:20
Today we are going to be thinking about the sections of this story. You may have noticed that they way it is written creates a lot of suspense (suspense is when you feel excited or nervous about what may happen next - you are sat on the edge of your seat). We are going to explore the different sections of a suspense story ready for when we write our own. Open the document below to see today's task.
Thursday Task

French 1:10-1:30pm
Watch the video below and have a go at the sheet.
Music 1:30-2:00pm
Go on to the Oak Academy website and have a go at this music lesson:
2pm Teams
Please log onto Teams again for our daily feedback session.
Handwriting Session and Reading Time 2:30-3:10
Please watch the demonstration video with Miss Watton and try your best to improve your handwriting!
Handwriting Bb

Story Time with Miss Watton

Collective Worship Thought of the Day
Please watch this video and think about how Jesus and John the Baptist show humility.