NOTE - Today, we would like you to complete your Guided Reading on Teams. You can find the text and an audio file for each day on this website. Please complete the activity by accessing Teams and selecting the assignment named "1.3.21 Guided Reading".
Mental Maths
We'd like you to spend 20 minutes on T.T. Rockstars - including a sound-check. Also, go onto jamming and answer the multiplication tables without the timer.
Century Tech
Complete the assignment called '5th March 2021- SPaG'.
If you would like further help with how to do this, watch the video here:
The handwriting is to be completed at a convenient time during the day.
Guided Reading
Today's Guided Reading looks again at chapter 14 of Skellig. Remind yourself of the chapter by reading or listening it, then go to Teams to find your assignment.
Chapter 14
Explanation video
Review questions.mp4
Watch the video above which explains the types of questions that you are going to be answering today. Make sure you select a suitable challenge to complete from the tasks below:
Today's tasks are below:
Below are answers to today's tasks:
Answers to yesterday's maths:
Year 5 Friday 5th Feb BIATHLON.mp4
Watch the video above of Mr Field's teaching you about the Biathlon!
Collective Worship
Think back to our assemblies this week. We’ve been thinking about how Jesus shower kindness to Zaccaeous and how Zac gave half of his money away to others.
Today we are reflecting on ourselves and next week.
1) What are you looking forward to about coming back to school next week?
2) how will you show kindness to others in school?
3) what will you give to others? It could be a smile, a friend, or someone to talk to