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This subject page is currently under review -September 2023

Subject Overview






Under Review April 2023






Taught discretley through the theme of Seaside

Taught discretely:

Autumn 1:
Weather, Earth and space, observe seasonal changes, varying length of day.

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Taught discretely:

Autumn 2:
Plants- identify and describe basic structure of common plants (BOLE)

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Taught discretley through the theme of The Great Fire of London

Spring 1:
Animals and humans-  identify, name and label basic parts of the body and relate to the senses

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Spring 2:
Materials  - everyday materials, identify and name / describe (materials of buildings linking to theme)

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Taught discretley through the theme of Oceans and Continents:

Summer 1:
Animals and humans -identify and name a variety of common animals, classify animals into carnivores, herbivores and omnivores and describe and compare the structure of animals, investigate differences, habitats, growing etc. 

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Summer 2:
Light and seeing- how we see and light sources

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Mostly integrated through the theme of Florence Nightingale

Autumn 1:
Animals and humans - exercise and hygiene, germs in hospitals (now and then) and food (nutrition link to soldiers' poor nutrition)

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Taught discretely:

Autumn 2:
Materials -identification and properties

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Taught discretely through the theme of The Coronation


Spring 1:

Forces - describe basic movements 



Sound and hearing - sources of sounds

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Taught discretely:

Spring 2:
Electricity - circuits 


Plants – Observe how plants grow from bulbs and seeds, recognising what they need to grow

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Taught discretely:

Spring 2:
Electricity - common appliances and construct a simple circuit

Taught discretely through the theme of Islands

Taught discretely:

Summer 1:
Evolution and inheritance - how humans resemble their parents.


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Taught discretely


Summer 2:
Living things and habitats 
suitability of environment and food chains 

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  Theme of Ancient Egyptians

Taught discretely:

Autumn 1:
Light and seeing - sources, reflections, light travels in a straight line, how it affects seeing and shadows.

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Taught discretely:

Autumn 1:
Earth and Space - movement of the Earth relative to the sun and the Moon relative to the earth.

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Mostly integrated through the theme of Binfield Local study
Spring 1:
Animals and humans  - identify the need for the right food types and amount of nutrition - identify that humans and some animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement (links with local community).

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Taught discretely:

Spring 2:
Forces -magnets, attract and repel, compare and group according to magnetic / non-magnetic.

Compare how things move on surfaces

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Mostly taught discretely through the theme of Stone Age to Iron Age

Taught discretely:   

Summer 1:
Plants - functions of each part, requirements for life, pollination and their life cycle.

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Taught discretely:

Summer 1:
Evolution and inheritance - how plants resemble their parents and adapt to their environment.

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Mostly integrated through the theme of Stone Age to Iron Age

Summer 2:
Materials - rocks, fossils and how they are made, soil - made from rocks and other matter. (How the Stone Age to Iron Age people used materials for tools, weapons and making fire).

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Taught discretely through the theme of Romans

Autumn 1 & 2:
Animals and humans - simple functions of the digestive system in humans, transportation of water and different types of teeth and their functions

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Living things and their habitats- food chains

Mostly integrated through the theme of Rainforests


Spring 1:

Evolution and inheritance - how animals resemble their parents and how they are suited to their environment

(look at how rainforest animals adapt to their environments)

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Taught discretely 


Spring 2:

Sound - sources, how sounds are made, volume and pitch 

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Taught discretely through the theme of Extreme Earth

Summer 1:
Electricity - common appliances,construct simple circuits and recognise conductors and insulators.

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Mostly integrated through the theme of Extreme Earth

Summer 2:
Materials - states of matter - solids, liquids, gases, changes of state and evaporation and condensation in the water cycle.
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Taught discretely

Autumn 1:
Earth and Space - explore the movement of earth and the moon, explain day and night 


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Autumn 2:

Changes of materials and states of matter.

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Mostly integrated through the theme of Sustainability


Spring 1:
Materials -properties (look at sustainable materials).



Spring 2:
Living things and their habitats - life cycles and life processes (look at sustainable habitats).

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Taught discretely through the theme of Viking and Anglo Saxons

Summer 1:
Animals and humans - reproduction, animals and human, similarities and differences of offspring 

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Taught discretely:

Summer 2:
Forces - gravity, effects of air / water resistance and revision of magnets

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Mostly integrated through the theme of Changing world

Autumn 1:
Evolution and inheritance- changes in animals over time, adaptations to environments,changes to human skeleton. 

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Taught discretely:

Autumn 2:
Living things - describe how living things including microorganisms are classified according to characteristics and similarities and differences.

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 Taught discretely through the theme of Women in History

Spring 1:
Light - how it travels,sources and shadows.

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Taught discretely:

Spring 2:
Electricity - effects of voltage, drawing circuits using symbols

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Taught discretely through the theme of Rivers

Summer 1 & 2:
Animals and humans - human circulation, importance of diet and exercise and drug awareness.

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This subject is led by Manjit Kaila


This page was updated in January 2023.

