Wednesday 3rd
Teams call 9am.
Log onto our Teams call at 9am.
Century Tech:
Log onto Century Tech and complete today's assignment 'Y6 SPaG 3.2.21'
During this maths lesson, follow your own path on Century Tech. You could let the computer decide for you, or you could check your dashboard for your 'areas for development' and search for some nuggets on those to complete / improve. We will be looking to see which nuggets you have completed and whether you have been watching those videos fully... This will help us plan future maths lessons.
Remember, Monday's video is there if you have forgotten where to go.
Read the 'White Fang' text and answer the questions about it. Save your answers until tomorrow, when we will mark it.
Please upload your sheets tomorrow, once you have marked it.
1) Please read again 'Pete's Pineapple' Newspaper report. We have already read this in class.
Can you spot how I wrote this using the 5 stage planner document?
Copy and paste the right sections under each section of the plan.
Send us a word document with the news report split into the 5 sections.
2) Watch the video clips below. Choose your favourite clip to write your news report about. You do not need to start writing yet.
Print out the list of spellings and cut each word out, or write each word out on strips of paper.
Can you put them into alphabetical order. Which words were hardest to order?
Mrs Everett and Mrs Slade-Baker's Spelling group:
Have a go at this wordsearch.
Follow the taught lesson below on Pulse and Rhythm. Make sure you have a pencil and paper handy, as there will be some activities for you to complete.
Good afternoon!
Please log onto Teams at 2pm for our afternoon catch-up.
Collective Worship:
Listen to the hymn ‘Shine Jesus Shine’ and join in if you’d like to. You sing this beautifully at school.
Reflect: Why do you think this song is sometimes sung at Candlemas? Which line of this hymn is your favourite? Why? What does it mean to you?