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P.E with Joe Wickes
Reading Comprehension
Click on the link below. Watch the video from last week and re-read the information.
Click the link above and scroll down to Activity 2.
Re-watch the video of part one of Tiddalik the Frog from last week.
Create a poster showing what Tiddalik is like in this part of the story.
You can use the outline drawing of Tiddalik below if you wish.
Decorate your poster with all the inferences you've made about Tiddalik and use lots of adjectives to describe his character.
Make sure you include some evidence to back up your ideas too.
You could include:
- a title
- a picture of Tiddalik
- big, bold writing
- bright colours
- text boxes or bubbles
- evidence from the story
What inferences can you make in your reading over the weekend?
Watch the video below.
Now watch Mrs Norman's video.
Division Video
Now answer the questions on the sheet below.
You might like to check your answer using the answer sheet below.
English (Spelling and Handwriting)
Click the link below and complete your Century Tech nugget for today on homophones.
Click the link below and watch the homophone video.
Complete the 'Homophone' sheet below.
Write some sentences using the new homophones you have learned in your best handwriting.
Challenge: can you write a compound or complex sentence?
Re-watch Mrs Fenner's handwriting video from last week below.
Using your learning from Mrs Fenner's video about ascenders, descenders and middle letters - copy out the second verse of the rainforest poem below in your neatest handwriting.
Have you remembered which letters are ascenders? Descenders? Middle letters?
Do your ascender letters reach the top of the line?
Do you descender letters go underneath the line?
Have you imagined a middle line for your middle letters?
Has your handwriting improved from last week?
Mental Maths
Click the link below and complete your Century Tech nugget for today then TTRockstars.
Please watch Mrs Norman's geography video.
Geography video
Complete the activity explained in the video above.
Please login to Teams for our feedback session and collective worship.
If you are unable to join us, please complete the reflection below.
Collective Worship
Listen to Miss Tissot reading our school prayer.
Think about the line:
'Bless us with kindness, friendship and fairness in all that we do'
I wonder how you can show kindness to your family this weekend?
Our School Prayer
Story Time
4RN - Mrs Kelley has recorded the final few chapters of Ganster Granny for you! Enjoy!
Gangster Granny Chapter 30
4EF - Mrs Harrop has recorded the final few chapters of The Person Controller for you! Enjoy!