Wb 13.07.20
Welcome to another weeks learning! This week we are thinking more about moving up to Year 1! This week your phonecall will be from your new teacher to say Hello! Mr Johnson and Mrs Gogarty will still call next week to say well done for all your hard work this year.
We are trying to get all of our reading books sorted in preparation for September. If you have any school reading books at home please can you drop them off into the the box in the main office to help us do this!
Children at school will be following the same plans and learning activities to ensure continuity for all children.
Thank you for continuing to upload all writing activities via showbie.
If you have any questions or issues that you would like to raise with your child's current class teacher, please email these to secretary@binfieldschool.com and we will try and answer these as soon as possible.
Hello from Mrs Gogarty

Hello from Mr Johnson

Writing tasks introduction

Maths activity introduction

Friday writing activity