9am Teams Meeting
Please join us as we start our day online
P.E. with Joe Wicks
Reading Comprehension
This week we are going to work through a Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar booklet. Each day there will be a few pages for you to complete. Please try and do this on your own before you ask for help.
Can you get an adult to test your math vocabulary?
Watch Miss Tissot's taught lesson
After you have watched the video please complete your second or third section of your diary entry form your plans.
Mental Maths
Please watch the introduction to your new topic, Healthy Me.
Now please watch your taught lesson by Mrs Duncan. This is our first lesson learning about the Healthy Me Topic.
Some of you have already completed this task as I made a mistake at the beginning of the term. If you haven't please complete it now. If you have, write about the one healthy change you are going to make this term.
2pm Teams Call
It's World Book Week!
Instead of just reading a book, here are some ideas for you to try as we celebrate the love of reading! Please choose one activity a day to upload to your assignment.
Alternative Activities
Record yourself reading and post it on your assignment.
Review a book using the audio recording feature.
Dress up as a character and post a picture on your assignment.
Act out a story with your family.
Recommend a new book to a member of your family.
Collective Worship
Think back to our assemblies this week. We’ve been thinking about how Jesus shower kindness to Zaccaeous and how Zac gave half of his money away to others.
Today we are reflecting on ourselves and next week.
1) What are you looking forward to about coming back to school next week?
2) how will you show kindness to others in school?
3) what will you give to others? It could be a smile, a friend, or someone to talk to