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Please login to Teams for our daily welcome.

P.E with Joe Wickes

Reading Comprehension

Spend 20 minutes reading a book from school or home.


Was your prediction correct?


What have you learned from your reading today?

What were the events of the story?

What did the characters do?

How were the characters feeling?

How did the author describe the setting?


Use evidence from the text to prove your answer is correct.


Watch Mrs Norman's video below:

A recap of long multiplication and looking again at short multiplication.

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Now watch Mrs Harrop's video. 

Mrs Harrop's video

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Next choose your level of challenge answer the questions. 

You might like to check your answers using the answer sheet below.


Click the link below and complete your Century Tech nugget for today on 'a' or 'an'.
Watch Mrs Fenner's English video below.


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Complete the activity explained in the video above. 


*Send this work on Teams as this is your Thursday assignment.*

You might like to use the word mat below to help you with your English work today.

Mental Maths

Click the link below and complete your Century Tech nugget for today.

9 Times Table Song - Percy Parker - The Coolest Cats

Use the video to help you practise your 9 times table.

PHSCE with Mrs Duncan

Please watch the video below.

Dreams and goals Yr4 piece 2


Watch Mr Gooch's PE video below and have a go at his challenge!

PE Challenge

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Mr Gooch's PE Challenge

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2pm TEAMS 

Please login to Teams for our feedback session and collective worship.

If you are unable to join us, please complete the reflection below. 

Collective Worship

1. Make the thumbs up sign with your hand. This means good things and gratitude (thankfulness).

Ask yourself: What do I have to be grateful for today? Where do I feel I have been blessed today? 


2. Point with your index finger. The pointing asks the question 'where'?

Ask yourself: Where have I seen God and goodness in my day today?


3. Point to your middle finger. We are using this tallest finger to think about things that stand out, things to really notice.

Rewind the day, thinking about the people you are with, the situations you have experienced, the things you have seen or heard. 

Ask yourself: If I were to write the headline for my life today, what would it be?


4. Look at your fourth finger, known as the 'ring finger.' This is in many ways, the weakest finger.

Ask yourself: Where have I been at my least or weakest today? What could I have done differently today? Where was I not at my best? If I could rewrite the script for today, what might I rewrite? 


5. Take hold of your little finger - the smallest finger.

Ask yourself: What small changes could I make? 



Story Time

4RN: Mrs Kelley has a new book for you!

It's called 'Gobbolino, the Witch's Cat.' 


Chapter 1

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4EF - Mrs Harrop has recorded the final few chapters of The Person Controller for you! Enjoy!

Chapter 49

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