Please login to Teams for our daily welcome video
P.E. with Joe Wicks
Please click the link to start your day on an active note
Reading Comprehension
Please read the text and answer questions below.
Please ask your adults to test you.
Please watch this taught lesson on the 5 times table.
We are all super impressed with your writing! Well done.
Today we want you to edit your writing! Would Julia Donaldson like your work? Use your target card pictures below to mark and edit your work. There is also a word mat to help you check your spellings. We have also asked lots of you to highlight your adjectives. Watch the video below to remind yourself what an adjective it.
Mental Maths
Please login Teams for our feedback and collective worship session. If you are unable to attend please join in with the hymn.
This afternoon's activity will take place in our Teams meeting. If you are unable to join please draw a picture or think about something that you have achieved this week that has made you proud.
You have all done a wonderful job of working from home and you have definitely made your teachers very proud of you!
Please look at the sheet below. This is to work on all week. By the end of the week you should have mastered this pattern. Some of the patterns are words and some are letter patterns for you to master. If you want to do more, try writing a sentence with these words.