Thursday 6th
Today we are continuing to write our 1st person recount of the Night of the Murder.
Snorkelling: Write you account from Macbeth's point of view.
Diving: Write 2 accounts simultaneously. One should be from Macbeth's perspective and one from Lady Macbeth's.
Afterwards, edit for good openers, and excellent punctuation (: - ; and brackets)
We are continuing to learn about pie charts.
Watch this video to help you with this.
This week the spellings we are practising are those with plural word endings.
Consider the story of the Prodigal's Son. Reflect on whether there was a time in your life that you felt jealous of either a sibling or a friend. How did you overcome this feeling? What did you do?
We are continuing our learning about Rivers. Today, test yourself and see what you can remember about rivers from last week - can you write down some of the vocabulary?
Research some of the world's most famous rivers from the list below. Can you find out where they start, where they end, any countries they flow through and any other facts? Mark them on the world map and write down what you discover.
Rivers of the World
- Nile
- Amazon
- Mississippi
- Yangtze
- Danube
- Volga
- Ganges
- Mekong
- Zambezi
- Congo