First place in the Berkshire Virtual Games!
Log on to Teams at 9am to hear your instructions for the day.
Start the day doing something active
Fine Motor Skills - Letter Formation

Practise writing the letters 'm' and 'n' with Mrs Corah
Start with your speed sounds using your booklets, flash cards or a video on the link below.
Please follow the instructions for either Sanjay Stays in Bed or Lost as appropriate.
Watch the video and complete the activity at the appropriate time.
Mental Maths
Have another go at Coconut Multiples.
If you are an expert at counting in 2s already, try the train game. We usually counting in 2s using our fingers to find the answer e.g. 5 x 2
Hold up 5 fingers and then count them in 2s - 2,4,6,8,10.
Watch the video below and then complete the sheet.
How do we know about the Great Fire of London.mp4

Collective Worship

Watch the video on The Unforgiving Servant