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Year 3






Write stories that include mythical, legendary or historical characters and events (within Egyptian adventure story)
Write stories of adventure. (Egyptian story)
Write letters. (within recount)

Write recounts. (Howard Carter's diary - informal)
Write explanations. (Egyptians?)
Write non-chronological reports.
Write biographies. (Egyptians?)
Write formally. 

Write stories of mystery and suspense. (Iron Man?)

Write instructions.
Write non-chronological reports. (Binfield)
Write in a journalistic style. (Newspaper report linked to Class text)
Write formally.

Write cinquain poems. 

Write stories set in places pupils have been.
Write letters. (Formal)

Write recounts. (Informal)
Write persuasively.
Write formally.


Place Value

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Addition and Subtraction

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Multiplication and Division A

Use algebra (Covered as part of the “Add and subtract” threshold concept in the form of missing number problems and as part of the “Multiply and divide” threshold concept in the form of missing number problems)

Multiplication and Division B

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Length and Perimeter

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Fractions A

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Mass and capacity

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Use algebra (Covered as part of the “multiply and divide” threshold concept in the form of missing number problems)

Describe position, direction and movement (taught through computing)

Fractions B

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Taught discretely:

Autumn 1:
Light and seeing - sources, reflections, light travels in a straight line, how it affects seeing and shadows.

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Taught discretely:

Autumn 2:
Earth and Space - movement of the Earth relative to the sun and the Moon relative to the earth.

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Mostly integrated through the theme of Binfield Local study
Spring 1:
Animals and humans  - identify the need for the right food types and amount of nutrition - identify that humans and some animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement (look at animals in Binfield).

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Taught discretely:

Spring 2:
Forces -magnets, attract and repel, compare and group according to magnetic / non-magnetic, compare how things move on surfaces.


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Mostly taught through the theme of Stone Age to Iron Age


Taught discretely:      

Summer 1:
Plants - functions of each part, requirements for life, pollination and their life cycle.

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Taught discretely:

Summer 1:
Evolution and inheritance - how plants resemble their parents and adapt to their environment.

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Summer 2:
Materials - rocks, fossils and how they are made, soil - made from rocks and other matter. (How the Stone Age to Iron Age people used materials for tools, weapons and making fire).

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Autumn 1:
Jesus' Miracles - Could Jesus heal people? Were these miracles or is there some other kind of explanation? Jesus and the Blind Man, The Paralysed Man, Miracles
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Autumn 2:
The Christmas Story - What is the Trinity? (Digging Deeper) The Trinity, Jesus' baptism by John the Baptist, The Grace (Corinthians), Beliefs about God the Trinity , The idea of God in Christianity, Own ideas about what the God of Christianity is like, Descriptions of God (symbols, similes, metaphors, songs, stories, poems, art)

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Spring 1:
The Amrit Ceremony and the Khalsa - Does joining the Khalsa make a person a better Sikh? Khalsa, Amrit, 5 Ks

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Spring 2:
The Easter Story - Why do Christians call the day Jesus died 'Good Friday'? (Core) Holy Week, Resurrection,  Entry into Jerusalem and the death and resurrection of Jesus, How Christians mark the Easter events in their church communities, Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday

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Summer 1:
Sharing and Community - Do Sikhs think it is important to share? Vaisakhi, Divali, Guru Hargobind, Gurdwara, Guru Granth Sahib, Langar
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Summer 2:
Prayer and Worship - What is the best way for a Sikh to show commitment to God? 5 Ks, Amrit and Khalsa Recap, Worship, Guru Granth Sahib, Mool Mantar, 3 Golden Rules, Gurdwara

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Mostly integrated through the theme of Ancient Egyptians

Autumn 1 & 2:
Early civilization achievements. History that is of an interest to pupils (Ancient Egyptians)


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Mostly integrated through the theme of Binfield

Spring 1 & 2:
Local history study. (Linked to Geography, looking at maps from different eras)

Knowledge organiser coming soon!

Mostly integrated through the theme of Stone Age to Iron Age

Summer 1:
Changes in Britain from Stone Age to Iron Age, Themes in British history. (Stone Age)          

Summer 2:
Changes in Britain from Stone Age to Iron Age, Themes in British history. (Bronze Age & Iron Age)


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Mostly integrated through the theme of Ancient Eyptians

Autumn 1 & 2:
Use maps, atlases, globes and digital computer mapping to locate Egypt and describe its features using the language of physical and human geography
 (settlements, land use, economic activity including trade links
and the distribution of natural resources including energy, food, minerals and water supplies)


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Mostly integrated through the theme of  Binfield

Spring 1 & 2:
Use fieldwork to observe, measure and record the human and physical features in the local area using a range of methods, including sketch maps, plans and graphs and digital technologies
Use maps to show how Binfield has changed over time.
Use the 8 points of the compass, four figure grid references, symbols and keys (including the use of OS maps)to  build knowledge of the local area.


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Mostly integrated through the theme of Stone Age to Iron Age

Summer 1 & 2:
Name and locate countries and cities of the UK and use geographical language to describe them.

In terms of human geography, describe settlements and land use.



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Taught discretely using the Jigsaw scheme:

Autumn 1:
Being me in my world
- Setting personal goals-

-Self-identity and worth
- Positivity in challenges
- Rules, rights and responsibilities
- Rewards and consequences
- Responsible choices
- Seeing things from others’ perspectives

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Taught discretely using the Jigsaw scheme:

Autumn 2:
Celebrating Differences               
- Families and their differences
- Family conflict and how to manage it (child-centred)
- Witnessing bullying and how to solve it
- Recognising how words can be hurtful
- Giving and receiving compliments

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Taught discretely using the Jigsaw scheme:

Spring 1:
Dreams and Goals
- Difficult challenges and achieving success
- Dreams and ambitions
- New challenges
- Motivation and enthusiasm
- Recognising and trying to overcome obstacles
- Evaluating learning processes
- Managing feelings
- Simple budgeting

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Taught discretely using the Jigsaw scheme:

Spring 2:
Healthy Me
- Exercise
- Fitness challenges
- Food labelling and healthy swaps
- Attitudes towards drugs
- Keeping safe and why it’s important online and off line scenarios
- Respect for myself and others
- Healthy and safe choices

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Taught discretely using the Jigsaw scheme:

Summer 1:
- Family roles and responsibilities
- Friendship and negotiation
- Keeping safe online and who to go to for help
- Being a global citizen
- Being aware of how my choices affect others
- Awareness of how other children have different lives
- Expressing appreciation for family and friends

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Taught discretely using the Jigsaw scheme:

Summer 2:
Changing Me
- How babies grow
- Understanding a baby’s needs
- Outside body changes
- Inside body changes
- Family stereotypes
- Challenging my ideas
- Preparing for transition to Year 4

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Taught discretely following the REAL PE scheme of work

Autumn 1 & 2:
Personal and social cogs

Taking part in Athletic activities: Indoor Athletics & Cross Country

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To perform dances  - Egyptian Dance

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Play competitive games, and apply basic principles for attacking and defending

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Games: tag rugby

Taught discretely following the REAL PE scheme of work

Spring 1 & 2:
Cognitive and creative cogs

Play competitive games, and apply basic principles for attacking and defending
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Games: basketball, football, tennis

Taking part in Gymnastics Activities

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Taught discretely following the REAL PE scheme of work

Summer 1 & 2
Applying physical skills and health and fitness cogs

Taking part in Outdoor Adventurous Activities.

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Play competitive games, and apply basic principles for attacking and defending

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Games: tennis, cricket

Taking part in Athletics activities.

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Mostly integrated through the theme of Egyptians

Autumn 1:
To use Scratch to create a game which involves movement, sound and variables.

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Autumn 2:
To create a timetable quiz on scratch using reporter operators.

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Mostly integrated through the theme of Binfield

Spring 1:
To devise and construct a database which shows the population growth over time.

Knowledge organiser coming soon!

Taught discretely:
Spring 2:
To explore and create shapes sequences using Scratch

Knowledge organiser coming soon!

Mostly integrated through the theme of Iron Age to Stone Age

Summer 1 & 2:
To use some advance features of an application (word) in order to contribute to online blogs/pages.
E-Safety- give clear examples of therisks in posting online and to understand 'copyright'.

Knowledge organiser coming soon!


Mostly integrated through the theme of Ancient Egyptians
Autumn 1:

• Shape and stitch materials.
• Use basic cross stitch and back stitch.
• Colour fabric.
• Create weavings.
• Quilt, pad and gather fabric.
(Taught alongside DT Textiles Scarab beetles)

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Autumn 2:

• Create and combine shapes to create recognisable forms (e.g. shapes made from nets or solid materials).
• Include texture that conveys feelings, expression or movement.
(Egyptian cartouches)

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Mostly integrated through the theme of  Binfield Local Study 

Spring 1 & 2:

• Use a number of brush techniques using thick and thin brushes to produce shapes, textures, patterns and lines.
• Mix colours effectively.
• Use watercolour paint to produce washes for backgrounds then add detail.
• Experiment with creating mood with colour.
(Sketch and paint landscapes)


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Mostly integrated through the theme of Stone Age to Iron Age
Summer 1 & 2:

• Use different hardnesses of pencils to show line, tone and texture.
• Annotate sketches to explain and elaborate ideas.
• Sketch lightly (no need to use a rubber to correct mistakes).
• Use shading to show light and shadow.

• Use hatching and cross hatching to show tone and texture.
(Still life artifact sketching)

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Mostly integrated through the theme of Ancient Egyptians

Autumn 1 & 2:


• Understand the need for a seam allowance.

• Join textiles with appropriate stitching.

• Select the most appropriate techniques to decorate textiles.

(Egyptian Banners)


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Mostly integrated through the theme of  Binfield Local Study

Spring 1 & 2:

 Food Tech

• Prepare ingredients hygienically using appropriate utensils.

• Measure ingredients to the nearest gram accurately.

• Follow a recipe.

• Assemble or cook ingredients (controlling the temperature of the oven or hob, if cooking).



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Mostly integrated through the theme of Stone Age to Iron Age

Summer 1 & 2:


• Choose suitable techniques to construct products or to repair items.

• Strengthen materials using suitable techniques.

(Making a roundhouse)


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Extra: Ufton Court Trip


Taught discretely using Charanga Scheme alongside the theme of Ancient Egyptians

Autumn 1:
Developing Notation Skills

How does music bring us together?


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Autumn 2:
Enjoying Improvisation

What stories does music tell us about the past?


Alongside Autumn 2: Nativity


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Taught discretely using Charanga Scheme alongside the theme of Binfield

Spring 1:
Composing Using Your Imagination

How does music make the world a better place?


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Spring 2:
Sharing Musical Experiences

How does music help us get to know our community?



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Taught discretely using Charanga Scheme alongside Stone Age to Iron Age

Summer 1:
Learning More About Musical Styles

How does music make a difference to us every day?


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Summer 2:
Recognising Different Sounds

How does music connect us with our planet?


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Autumn  1

Lesson 1 — Hello! 

Lesson 2 — How Are You?

Lesson 3 — What is Your Name?

Lesson 4 — How Old Are You?

Lesson 5 — My Family

Lesson 6 — My Fantastic Family 

Autumn 2


Lesson 1 — The Days of the Week 

Lesson 2 — Colours

Lesson 3 — Let's Count up to 20

Lesson 4 — Countries

Lesson 5 — I Like...

Lesson 6 — Nicolas the Monster 

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Spring 1

Lesson 1 — Head, Shoulders, Knees and Feet

Lesson 2 — Parts of the Body

Lesson 3 — Let's Count up to 31

Lesson 4 — Clothes

Lesson 5 — Months

Lesson 6 — Geneviève's Birthday 

Spring 2

Lesson 1 — On the Farm 

Lesson 2 — Pets

Lesson 3 — What's Your Dog Like?

Lesson 4 — Where is the Cat?

Lesson 5 — Where is the Elephant? Lesson 6 — Henri Looks for His Mother 


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Summer 1

Lesson 1 — Food 

Lesson 2 — I Like to Eat...

Lesson 3 — What Are You Eating?

Lesson 4 — Cutlery

Lesson 5 — Ingredients

Lesson 6 — French Toast 

Spring 2

Lesson 1 — How do You go to School?

Lesson 2 — Rooms

Lesson 3 — In Your Pencil Case

Lesson 4 — What Time Is It?

Lesson 5 — Subjects

Lesson 6 — The Magic Bag 


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