| Autumn | Spring | Summer |
EYFS | Under Review 2023 | | |
Y1 | Mostly integrated through the theme of Seaside
Autumn 1:
Beebot World - to control a Beebot around a word creator by the children, looking at steps, direction and turns Please click here for knowledge organiser
Autumn 2:
Scratch Dance lesson - create a dance and program the Scratch cat to do the same dance, using loops and discussing algorithms. Please click here for knowledge organiser | Mostly integrated through the theme of The Great Fire of London
Spring 1:
Communicating online - to understand the risks of being online and participating in uploading some work on the school Twitter page Please click here for knowledge organiser
| Mostly intergrated through the theme of
Oceans and Continents
Summer 1 & 2:
Practise keyboard and typing skills
Then show the children how Book Creator works and allow them to produce a couple of pages on Africa which can then be shared. Please click here for knowledge organiser |
Y2 | Mostly intregrated through the theme of Florence Nightingale
Autumn 1:
Beebots - to control the Beebot using a specified number of steps and answer questions like which route is the quickest? Please click here for knowledge organiser
Autumn 2:
Create a detailed story using the algorithm planner. Turn that algorithm into code using Scratch Jr Please click here for knowledge organiser | Mostly integrated through the theme of the Coronation.
Spring 1:
Use sequence and repetition to create a story on Scratch Jr. Knowledge organiser coming soon!
| Mostly integrated through the theme of the Islands
Summer 1 & 2:
Create a book on 'Book Creator' or 2Simple which can then be shared online.
Discuss e-safety around putting your work online. Please click here for knowledge organiser |
Y3 | Mostly integrated through the theme of Egyptians
Autumn 1:
To use Scratch to create a game which involves movement, sound and variables.
Please click here for knowledge organiser
Autumn 2:
To create a timetable quiz on scratch using reporter operators.
Please click here for knowledge organiser | Mostly integrated through the theme of Binfield
Taught discretely:
Spring 2:
To explore and create shapes sequences using Scratch Knowledge organiser coming soon! | Mostly integrated through the theme of Iron Age to Stone Age
Summer 1 & 2:
To use some advance features of an application (word) in order to contribute to online blogs/pages.
E-Safety- give clear examples of the risks in posting online and to understand 'copyright'. Knowledge organiser coming soon! |
Y4 | Taught discretely
Autumn 1:
To explore count controlled loops on Scratch. Knowledge organiser coming soon!
Autumn 2:
To explore continuous loops . Knowledge organiser coming soon! | Mostly integrated through the theme of Rainforests
Spring 1 & 2:
To create and publish a piece of work online using Pobble, using advanced features of that application, with an understanding of how online services work. Knowledge organiser coming soon! | Taught discretely
Summer 1:
To use X & Y coordinates to place sprites and use simple code to create shape on Scratch Knowledge organiser coming soon!
Summer 2:
Children to create their own game using the skills they have learnt so far. Knowledge organiser coming soon! |
Y5 | Autumn 1:
To use IF THEN ELSE to control events by broadcasting information as a trigger. Knowledge organiser coming soon!
Autumn 2:
Converting sequences to loops when creating shapes in Scratch Knowledge organiser coming soon! | Taught discretely
Sping 1:
Use the Reporter operators
() + ()
() - ()
() * ()
() / ()
to perform calculations in Scratch. Knowledge organiser coming soon!
Spring 2:
To understand how conditional selection works before using it to design and code a game in Scratch. Knowledge organiser coming soon! | Mostly interegrated through the theme of Vikings
Summer 1 & 2:
To collaborate with others in order to create a piece of work whilst understanding what needs to happen in order to stay safe online Knowledge organiser coming soon! |
Y6 | Taught discretely
Autumn 1:
To understand how networks are set up and used Knowledge organiser coming soon!
Autumn 2:
To create a game with a focus on conditions Knowledge organiser coming soon! | Taught discretely
Spring 1:
To create a Maths quiz which uses more complicated reporter operations in Scratch. Knowledge organiser coming soon!
Mostly integrated through the theme of Women in History
Spring 2:
To choose the appropriate application in order to design and publish a piece of work safely online. Knowledge organiser coming soon! | Taught discretely
Summer 2:
To select the appropriate applications in order to design and create the necessary resources, in a professional manner, for Dragon's Den. Knowledge organiser coming soon! |