Morning Task 8:30-9:00am
TT Rockstars - challenge your friends or try and beat your own scores.
We are checking your scores. Your target is to reach at least 20mins a day!
9am Teams
Please may you log onto Teams at 9am for our Daily Welcome and explanation of the work for the day.
Guided Reading 9:30-10:00
Guided Reading

B.O.L.E (MATHS) 10:00-10.50
Today you are going to complete a Multiplication Treasure Hunt!
You will need to spread the cards out before you start (maybe a grown up could help with this).
You could complete this activity in the garden or around your house!
Watch the video for some more information!
BOLE 26.2.2021.mp4

Spelling 10.50 - 11.20
Unit 7

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English 11.35 - 12.20
Today, we are going to be publishing our work. You will need to come up with a name for your newspaper, a title for your article and draw/copy a picture. You can choose to do this on the computer or by hand. There are templates for you to use if you wish.
Typing Skills
When the children return, we would like to continue working on Teams or on the computers. Therefore, we would like to improve their typing proficiency. Please have a go at the following game:
2pm Teams
We hope to see you for a round up of the day. There will also be a chance to share any work you have completed.
Collective Worship
Please watch Mrs Brazell's Assembly
Century Tech 14.30 - 15.10
Make sure you have completed all set nuggets and achieved +80%. Feel free to try again if you have not.