W.C 21.03.2022
Navigating Teams and Sending Work

Here is a video to show navigating teams :)
Sorry for Miss Watton's croaky voice and slow wifi, but hopefully it helps!
Sorry for Miss Watton's croaky voice and slow wifi, but hopefully it helps!
Please note:
The Binfield Walk has been postponed until next week Therefore, the children in school will be completing the SPAG NFER paper. At home, we would like you to follow your SPAG path on Century Tech and have a go at this preposition lesson!
SPAG Preposition Activity

As well as revising on Century Tech, we would like you to focus on your times tables this week! There is a video and a few activities for you to try over the week, and a daily TT rockstars challenge. Time yourself on this and send us your scores. See if you can improve your scores over the week! Miss Watton has also challenged you online on TT rockstars!
French Video Explanation