Virtual School Tour & Prospective Parents
Prospective Parents Open Mornings
Tours for academic year 2025/26.
These will take place on Wednesday 9th October, Tuesday 12th November, Tuesday 3rd December and Tuesday 14th January 2025. All starting at 09.30am.
During these mornings there will be a short presentation by the Head and Deputy Head Teacher, a tour of the school with our Year 6 pupils along with the opportunity to ask questions of the Head and Deputy Head Teachers. Refreshments will be served, so you will have the chance to try a sample of some of our delicious food made on site.
Please complete the goggle form on the link below to confirm your attendance on one of these dates. Please note that the school will not be in touch following the completion of the form but you will receive a goggle confirmation screen to confirm your response has been recorded.
If you would like a tour for an in year admission, please contact
Please have a look at our FAQ document below.
If you have any questions or comments after watching this video, please fill in the form below.
If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.
Binfield C.E. Primary School (V.A.) is a Voluntary Aided Primary School. As such, the Governing Body is the admissions authority for the school. The school is a partner in the coordinated admissions arrangements for primary admissions in Bracknell Forest LA. All the dates and processes of application and consideration will confirm to the Bracknell Forest LA’s Coordinated Admissions Scheme, which will be published when finalised and will then be common to all schools within the LA.
Applications for an in-year transfer place at the school should be made using the following link to a google form In-Year Transfer Application Form.
The Governors’ Admission Policy follows Bracknell Forest and the Oxford Diocese recommendations and is as follows:
1. Looked after children
2. Children whose parents are members of staff
3.Children with a normal home address in the designated area
4. Children who have a sibling or siblings at the school
5. All other children whose parents have chosen this school
If the school does not have places for all the children in one of the above categories, priority will be given to children who fulfil more than one of the admission criteria. After this, if there are still insufficient places, and no distinction can be made between the applicants, a final decision will be made on the radial distance between the home and the school. For full details please read the full policy.
If you have applied for a place at our school and your application has been unsuccessful, you have the right to appeal for the decision to be reconsidered.
Before lodging an appeal, please contact to make an appointment to see the Headteacher. She will be happy to discuss the process in more detail and explain what support we can offer.
Please do bear in mind that the law states that there must not be more than 30 children in an infant class (that is, classes containing Reception, Y1 and Y2 children).
Below are links to the documents you will need to refer to and complete in order to appeal for a school place at Binfield.
Further information on the appeals process can be found at:
Applications for Reception 2024/25
To read more information about the deadlines for applications for Reception 24/25 please see the below attachment.
In September 2015, an explanatory note about school places for children of public officials returning from overseas was added to the School Admissions Code, which can be found below:
Appeals should be made in writing on the appropriate form, which can be obtained from the school secretary, within twenty days of the letter of refusal being received.
Appeals should be made to:
The Chair of Governors (Appeal)
Binfield CE Primary School (VA)
Benetfeld Road
RG42 4EW
Applicants for places in the Reception class for year 2024/25 will be notified of the decision on whether or not they have been offered a place by the Local Authority on Tuesday 16th April 2024 (by email if application was online or shortly after by post).
Appeals against a decision not to offer a place should be received at the school by Wednesday 15th May 2024.
These appeals will be heard during the summer term. Late applications and any other in year applications will be processed according to the school’s admission code and applicants not offered a place will have 20 school days to return to the school a completed admission appeals form from the date that the notification of the decision was sent by the Local Authority. Appeals will be heard within 40 school days of the date given for the return of the admission appeal form (30 school days for in-year admissions).