NOTE - Today, we would like you to complete your Guided Reading on Teams. You can find the text and an audio file for each day on this website. Please complete the activity by accessing Teams and selecting the assignment named " 22.2.21 Guided Reading".
Mental Maths
We'd like you to spend 20 minutes on T.T. Rockstars - including a sound-check.
Century Tech
Please follow your learning pathway and complete a SPaG nugget.
If you would like further help with how to do this, watch the video here: https://www.binfieldschool.co.uk/century-tech-support/
The handwriting is to be completed at a convenient time during the day.

Dots and dashes activity. Remember to place a dot on single sounds and a dash for digraphs (two letters that make one sound) and trigraphs (three letters that make one sound). Write the silent letters in a circle.
Guided Reading
Read chapter 11 of Skellig (you may listen and read-along if you like) and answer the questions for Tuesday on Teams.
Skellig chapter 11 read out-loud
Watch the videos below which contain instructions on how to complete today's tasks.
Video 1

Video 2

Starter activity

Watch the video above and answer the questions below.
Once you have completed the main task above, choose your level of challenge from the extension tasks below.
Answers from yesterday's maths.
Answers for snorkelling and diving.mp4