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Year 1

Curriculum Overview



The Great Fire of London

Oceans and Continents


Write stories set in places pupils have been. (Stories about the beach)
Write stories with imaginary settings.
Write stories that use the language of fairy tales. (3 Billy Goats Gruff)

Write lists. (Things to take to the seaside)


Knowledge organisers coming soon!

Write stories and plays that use the language of fairy tales and traditional tales.
Write narrative diaries.  (1st person Samuel Pepys' diary)

Write recounts. (for the school newsletter)
Present information. (produce a book)


Knowledge organisers coming soon!

Write stories with imaginary settings.
Write stories that mimic significant authors. (Allan Ahlberg)

Write instructions.

Write poems that use pattern, rhyme and description.


Knowledge organisers coming soon!


Place Value within 10

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Addition and Subtraction within 10
Algebra (Covered as part of the add and subtract threshold concept in the form of missing number problems)



Place value within 20

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Addition and Subtraction within 20

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Place Value within 50 (multiples of 2, 5, 10)
Length and Height

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Mass and Volume
Algebra (Covered as part of the add and subtract threshold concept in the form of missing number problems)



Multiplication and Division (multiples of 2, 5, 10)

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Position and Direction
Place Value within 100

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Taught discretely through the theme of Seaside

Autumn 1:
Weather, Earth and space, observe seasonal changes, varying length of day.

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Taught discretely:

Autumn 2:
Plants- identify and describe basic structure of common plants (BOLE)

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Taught discretely through the theme of The Great Fire of London

Taught discretely:

Spring 1:
Animals and humans-  identify, name and label basic parts of the body and relate to the senses.)

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Spring 2:
Materials  - everyday materials, identify and name / describe (materials of buildings linking to theme)

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Mostly integrated through the theme of Oceans and continents:

Summer 1:
Animals and humans -identify and name a variety of common animals, classify animals into carnivores, herbivores and omnivores and describe and compare the structure of animals, investigate differences, habitats, growing etc. 

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Taught discretely:

Summer 2:
Light and seeing- how we see and light sources

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Autumn 1:
Following the Discovery RE scheme of work:

The Creation Story - Does God want Christians to look after the world? Creation Story, Environmental Issues, Recycling / Stewardship

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Autumn 2:
Following the Understanding Christianity scheme of work:
The Christmas Story - Why does Christmas matter to Christians? (Core) The Nativity Story, Jesus' importance to Christians, Gospels, Christian beliefs and actions at Christmas, Thanksgiving

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Spring 1:
Following the Discovery RE scheme of work:

Chanukah - Does celebrating Chanukah make Jewish children feel closer to God? Chanukah Story, Miracle, Celebration
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Spring 2:
Following the Understanding Christianity scheme of work:
The Easter Story - Why does Easter matter to Christians? (Core) Stories of Holy Week and Easter, Christian beliefs about death and resurrection in church worship at Easter, Different responses to the Easter story (sadness, hope)

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Taught discretely.

Following the Discovery RE scheme of work:
Summer 1:

Shabbat - Is Shabbat important to Jewish children? Special Day, Shabbat Meal, Synagogue

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Summer 2:
Following the Discovery RE scheme of work:
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur - Are Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur important to Jewish children? Forgiveness, Repentance, Food and Symbolism, New Year plans, Prayer, Synagogue

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Mostly integrated through the theme of Seaside                                 

Autumn 1 & 2:
Key events in the past.
The first use of the seaside for leisure (Victorian era)


Knowledge organisers coming soon!

Mostly integrated through the theme of The Great Fire of London

Spring 1 & 2:
Lives of significant individuals (Samuel Pepys.)                                             
Events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally. (Stuart era)


Knowledge organisers coming soon!

Mostly integrated through the theme of Oceans and Continents 

Summer 1 & 2:
Lives of significant Individuals (Captain Cook)


Knowledge organisers coming soon!


Mostly integrated through the theme of Seaside.

Autumn 1 & 2:
Ask and answer questions e.g. what is this place like?

Use basic  geographical vocabulary to refer to and describe key physical and human features of locations.

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Use fieldwork and observational skills to compare and contrast Binfield to the seaside.

Explore weather and climate in the United Kingdom, the Poles and near the Equator.


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Mostly integrated through the theme of The Great Fire of London

Spring 1 & 2:
Locate London on a map of the UK.

Use language of country and capital

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Mostly integrated through the theme of Oceans and Continents

Summer 1 & 2:
Use maps, atlases and globes to identify the oceans and continents of the world.

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Compare and contrast Binfield with an African country using basic geographical vocabulary to refer to and describe key physical and human features of locations

Knowledge organisers coming soon!


Taught discretely using the Jigsaw scheme:

Autumn 1:
Being me in my world
-Feeling special and safe
-Being part of a class
- Rights and responsibilities
- Rewards and feeling proud
- Consequences
- owning the learning charter

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Please click here for Key Vocab


Taught discretely using the Jigsaw scheme:
Autumn 2:
Celebrating Differences
-Similarities and differences
- Understanding bullying and knowing how to deal with it
- Making new friends
- Celebrating the differences in everyone

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Taught discretely using the Jigsaw scheme:

Spring 1:
Dreams and Goals
- Setting goals
- Identifying successes and achievements
- Learning styles
- Working well and celebrating achievements with a partner
- Tackling challenges
- Identifying and overcoming obstacles
- Feelings of success

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Please click her for Key Vocab

Taught discretely using the Jigsaw scheme:
Spring 2:
Healthy Me
- Keeping myself healthy
- Healthier lifestyle choices
- Keeping clean
- Being safe
- Medicine safety/safety with household items
- Road safety
- Linking health and happiness

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Taught discretely using the Jigsaw scheme:

Summer 1 :
- Belonging to a family
- Making friends/ being a good friend
- Physical contact preferences
- People who help us
- Qualities as a friend and person
- Self-acknowledgement
- Being a good friend to myself
- Celebrating special relationships

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Please click here for Key Vocab
Taught discretely using the Jigsaw scheme:
Summer 2:
Changing me
- Life cycles - Human and animal
- Changes in me
- Changes since being a baby
- Differences between female and male bodies (correct terminology)
- Linking growing and learning
- Coping with change
- Transition to Year 2

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Taught discretely following the REAL PE scheme of work

Autumn 1 & 2:
Personal and social cogs

Participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending – Multiskills

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Taught discretely following the REAL PE scheme of work

Spring 1 & 2:
Cognitive and creative cogs

Participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending – Multiskills

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Taught discretely following the REAL PE scheme of work

Summer 1 & 2
Applying physical skill and health and fitness cogs

Performing dances with simple movement patterns - African Dance

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Participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending

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Mostly integrated through the theme of Seaside    

Autumn 1:
Beebot World - to control a Beebot around a word creator by the children, looking at steps, direction and turns

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Autumn 2:
Scratch Dance lesson - create a dance and program the Scratch cat to do the same dance, using loops and discussing algorithms.

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Mostly integrated through the theme of The Great Fire of London

Spring 1:
Communicating online - to understand the risks of being online and participating in uploading some work on the school Twitter page

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Mostly intergrated through the theme of
Oceans and Continents

Summer 1 & 2:
Practise keyboard and typing skills
Then show the children how Book Creator works and allow them to produce a couple of pages on Africa which can then be shared.

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Mostly integrated through the theme of Seaside 
Autumn 1 & 2:
This unit is based on experimentation and allowing fine motor skills to develop.

• Draw lines of different sizes and thickness.
• Colour (own work) neatly following the lines.
• Show pattern and texture by adding dots and lines.

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• Use thick and thin brushes.
• Mix primary colours to make secondary.
• Add white to colours to make tints and black to colours to make tones.
• Create colour wheels.

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Mostly integrated through the theme of The Great Fire of London
Spring 1:


• Use thick and thin brushes.
• Mix primary colours to make secondary.
• Add white to colours to make tints and black to colours to make tones.

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Spring 2:

Digital Media:
• Use a wide range of tools to create different textures, lines, tones, colours and shapes.
(Linked with ICT and English through scratch and Three Billy Goats Gruff

(Taught discretely)

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• Use weaving to create a pattern.
(Taught discretely)

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Mostly integrated through the theme of Oceans and Continents
Summer 1 & 2:

• Use a combination of materials that are cut, torn and glued.
• Sort and arrange materials.
• Mix materials to create texture.

(Tinga Tinga Art)

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Mostly integrated through the theme of Seaside 

Food Tech:

• Cut, peel or grate ingredients safely and hygienically.

(Fruit Kebabs)

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Autumn 2:

Discrete Teaching:


• Create products using levers, wheels and winding mechanisms.

(Christmas Card)


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Mostly integrated through the theme of The Great Fire of London


• Demonstrate a range of joining techniques (such as gluing, hinges or combining materials to strengthen).


• Use materials to practise drilling, screwing, gluing and nailing materials to make and strengthen products.

(Making bridges)

Also create houses from Tudor times using cardboard boxes.

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Discrete Teaching:

Electrics and electronics

• Diagnose faults in battery operated devices (such as low battery, water damage or battery terminal damage)


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Mostly integrated through the theme of
Oceans and Continents


• Demonstrate a range of cutting and shaping techniques (such as tearing, cutting, folding and curling).

• Cut materials safely using tools provided.

• Measure and mark out to the nearest centimetre.

(Africa Pop Up Card)


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Taught discretely using Charanga Scheme alongside the theme of Seaside

Autumn 1:
Introducing Beat

How can we make friends when we sing together?

Autumn 2:
Adding Rhythm and Pitch

How does music tell stories about the past?


Alongside Autumn 2: Nativity - Little Angel gets her wings- singing songs.


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Taught discretely using Charanga Scheme alongside The Great Fire of London

Spring 1:
Introducing Tempo & Dynamics

How does music make the world a better place?

Spring 2:
Combining Pulse, Rhythm and Pitch

How does music help us to understand our neighbours?


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Taught discretely using Charanga Scheme alongside the theme of Oceans

Summer 1:
Having Fun with Improvisation

What songs can we sing to help us through the day?

Summer 2:

Explore Sound & Create a Story.

How does music teach us about looking after our planet?


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