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Wednesday 13th


Join Joe Wicks for his morning workout. enlightened


Log on to Century Tech and complete the assignment 'Y6 SPaG 13.1.21'

Don't forget to have another go until you score over 75%! wink


Go to Oak National Academy and follow the taught lesson on fractions of quantities.

Then complete the practice sheet 'Wednesday 13.1.21 fractions of quantities'

Don't forget your daily dose of TTRock Stars!!!



Listen to Tom Palmer read an extract of his book 'D-Day Dog' using the link:

D-Day Dog by Tom Palmer chapter 1 - YouTube

Then, complete the Venn diagram to show similarities and differences between this extract and 'Over the Line' from yesterday.  You might consider characters, themes or style of language.




Watch the video about 'Show, not Tell'.  Use these ideas and the Descriptosaurus on the class page to add to your notes for each section from yesterday. 

Make sure you have some decent sentences for each of the things you were going to write about. 

Send them to us on Teams so that Mrs. Mistry and Mrs. MacKrell can give you some feedback. 

'Show, not Tell'.

Still image for this video


Practise your spellings on the document below.  You should hardly need to look at them by now.  Test yourself and correct them if you need to. yes



Go through the PowerPoint called 'Networks 1' (there is a video within it).

(I have talked over the top to explain)

Can you draw your own 'network' as described on the slides?


Watch the video about 'Features of a Coastline' and the one about 'Arches, Stacks and Stumps'.

Can you put the events in order on the storyboard to show how arches, stacks and stumps are formed and then draw illustrations to go with each stage?

Features of Coastlines

Still image for this video

Collective Worship:

Watch Mrs. Mistry's video about John the Baptist.

Collective Worship - John the Baptist

Still image for this video