9am Teams
Please log in to Teams for our daily welcome
Mental Maths
We'd like you to spend 20 minutes on T.T. Rockstars - including a sound-check.
The Game is On!
This week, there's a TT Rockstars Battle between 5TA (Totally Awesome!) and 5JS (Jolly Smart!). May the best team win!
Guided reading
Please send in photos or pictures of what you think Skellig may look like. We can select a few of the pictures to go onto Twitter.
Looking at the picture: I want you to annotate the photo and write as many questions or theories that you have about the people in the photo. See if you can answer the following 5W’s (Who? What? Where? When? Why?) and the How?
Read and interpret tables
Watch this taught lesson on reading and interpreting tables.
Now after watching the video complete the sheet
Please login to Teams for our feedback session and collective worship. If you are unable to join us, please listen to the prayer below.
Science explanation.mp4
Collective Worship
Binfield Primary School Prayer
Please listen to our school prayer.
Class Text
Please continue reading Skellig or Street Child. Have a look at the PDF copies of the text on the class page.