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Sports Council

Binfield C.E. Primary School (V.A.) Sports Council is made up of a number of children from across Key Stage 2.  Children can apply to be part of Sports council each year. 

The Sports Council meet most weeks to discuss sports, PE, playground activities and festivals. 


Here are some of the things we do:

Discuss activities and festivals that are happening across the school, and the results of these. 

Look at how we can improve things at school and what works well. 

Talk with our classes, then discuss any changes we would like to make. 

Arrange mini tournaments at playtimes.

Help organise and run Sports Mornings.

Gain feedback about what clubs we would like in school.

We feedback to classes what we have talked about


Some of the things we have co-ordinated include sports mornings, mini basketball shoot outs for the infants, helped get feedback regarding a girl's football club, which was then set up, and helped decide what clubs we would like to see run in school.
