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Welcome to Reception!


Welcome to your first year at school! Because we are all making sure we are as safe as possible, some of you might be staying at home for a little bit! Here are some challenges and videos for you to watch so you can still join in with our learning and fun times!


Learning challenges;

Can you;

  • Draw a picture of you and your house. Colour it in very carefully
  • Have a go at writing, copying or tracing your name
  • Find something that is red, blue, yellow, green, purple, orange, black and white. 
  • Look at a story book. Tell a grown up what you think is happening in the pictures. 
  • Teach some of your cuddly toys how they can keep safe by washing their hands. 
  • Watch the 'Why we cant hug' video. 
  • Listen to the stories and songs on this page, click on the stars below!

Supporting your child with social distancing

Please see below a child friendly video about social distancing that you may like to watch with your child.

Supporting your child with home learning
