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PE and Sport Premium

Please read the information below which gives details of our PE and Sport Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.


In PE we aim to develop the children’s agility, balance and co-ordination. Children take part in activities which help develop their personal, social, cognitive and creative skills as well as their ability to apply
their physical skills and increase their knowledge and understanding of health and fitness.


Children are introduced to a variety of dance, gymnastics, games and athletic activities. We have a fully equipped hall and a dance studio. Outside we use the playground and the playing fields. The adventure trail is also used to develop balance, agility, confidence and fun.

From a young age children are taught multi skills to improve their agility, balance and co-ordination and they do this through songs, stories and games.  Children have intra school competitions during their games lessons, as they learn the new skills. They are encouraged to self–evaluate their skills against their own personal best. Children also have the opportunity to develop their skills outside of school and take part in sports festivals with other local primary schools, including multi skills, skipping and tri golf.


As the children progress with these skills they take part in more specific sports such as Netball, Football, Hockey, Rounders and Athletics. As well as intra competition during games lessons, children have the opportunity to represent the school at inter school sport competitions and, when successful, county competitions.

There are many before and after school clubs provided by the school and children often get the opportunity to be part of the school team. Some of these clubs lead to matches in the school league, inter-school or county competitions. Sport as an extra curricular activity is very popular with children here at Binfield CE Primary School (VA).


Competitive Events, Squads and School Teams

Competition, both within the school day and through our extra-curricular provision, is a key element of sport at Binfield.  This has an important role to play in allowing children to test skills acquired during lessons, develop teamwork and to understand how to produce a performance when required. 

At Binfield we try and give as many children the chance to take part in events offsite by joining the Bracknell Sports Partnership. Most events specify a criterion, for example, the number of boys and girl, some are for those who have knowledge of the skills, some are for broadening participation, and some are specific for pupil premium children or children with additional needs.

The school makes its team selections on the best available information, which may include performance during PE lessons.  As a result, it is therefore possible for children to be picked for more than one event or team. We enter all events to maximise the number of children who are selected each year. We also invite coaches in to school to enable more children to take part in workshops, for example, we have a coach who delivers a dance workshop. 


This subject is led by Hannah Ridnell, with support from Paul Gooch.

This page was updated in July 2023
