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wb 28.06.21


Fine Motor and Outdoor Learning

Let's start our morning on an active note!

Activity 1

Throwing and catching small ball

Activity 2

Throwing large ball against a wall

Activity 3

Fine Motor Activites

Activity 4

Fun Outdoor Activities for Kids

Activity 5

KS1 Skipping Challenge


This week we are doing assessments in school. Over the week please work through these booklets with your child. At the end of the booklets please go through the papers together. At school, we allow for two sessions per paper. 



This week we are doing assessments in school. Over the week please work through these booklets with your child. At the end of the booklets please watch the videos and go through the papers together. At school, we allow for two sessions per paper. 


Maths Arithmetic Answers

Maths Reasoning Answers

Grammar and Spellings

Spelling and Grammar Answers

Afternoon Lessons


We are learning about the parts of our body. Watch the videos. How many body parts can you name from the skeleton to the organs? 

Can you explain what each body part does? 

Art (Lesson 1)

Watch the video and have a go at making your own picture. 


Art (Lesson 2) 

Use a non - fiction book or the internet please find a picture of an insect. Using your noticing muscles, please draw the insect and then use the pointillism skills we have been developing to create a piece of art. You can use pens, paints, pencils or a computer programme to create your masterpiece. 




Can you follow Mr Shield's instructions?

KS1 Circuits

Still image for this video

Collective Worship

Please join in with our School Prayer

Still image for this video

BBC Songs of Praise

What line of The Lord's Prayer stands out to you the most and why? - Our faith

Moon Meditation

Moon meditation is meant to be super calm and relaxing. It focuses on deep breathing and stretching out the back, neck and shoulders
