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Road Safety around Binfield Primary School


Considerate parking around the school site
Please can I remind all parents to park considerately when dropping off/collecting your children.   We do appreciate that parking is not always easy at busy times, but this is not an excuse to park directly in front of the school gates, residents’ driveways or car parks/spaces of local businesses and residents.  Please can we remind you to respect this request for the safety and wellbeing of not only our school’s pupils and their families, but also residents of the community who are our neighbours and supporters.


Yellow zig zag road markings are placed to show that the area must be kept clear to allow an unrestricted view for approaching drivers and riders or children wanting to cross the road.  Please note that you should not park on yellow zig-zags or wait, or even stop momentarily, according to the Highway Code.  You may be liable for prosecution if the police witness this happening, and this could result in a £70 fixed penalty charge and 3 points on your licence.  Yellow zig zags apply 24 hours a day, even when children do not appear to be present, and that parents of children attending our school are not exempt from this ruling.


Access to the School
Please ensure that you and your children use the pedestrian gate and pathway only when entering the school grounds.  This includes parents dropping their children off to Breakfast Club – even if the gates are open at this time for staff parking, please do not use this as a ‘short-cut’.


The car park is very busy with cars manoeuvring, lorries making deliveries, etc.  After several near misses involving children, all staff are encouraged to reinforce this policy.   It is unacceptable to challenge our staff who are doing their job.  I would hope that everyone in our school community can work together on this for the well-being of all.


If your child brings a bike or scooter to school, please encourage them to park them in the bike park (or outside the office if the bike park is full), and not against the green fence outside the playground  or along the path into school.  Please ensure all bikes and scooters are collected at the end of the school day, not left on site overnight.  You are reminded that the school cannot take responsibility for the loss, damage or theft of such items left on or near school property, and that children should take care to ensure they only take bikes or scooters which belong to them.  Additionally, when cycling to/from school, please encourage your child to wear a helmet and give way to pedestrians on footpaths.


Staff Car Park
Please note that the car park at the school is for staff use only – parents dropping off or collecting children are not permitted to use it.  Your co-operation with this request is appreciated.
