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P.E with Joe Wickes

Reading Comprehension

Click on the link below. Watch the videos and read the information.

Read the two short stories in the PDF below and choose one of the themes from the list that you think is shown in each story.


For each story, write the sentence:

The theme shown in this story is... because...


You need to say why you think that theme is being shown.

Once you have finished, you can compare your answers with the example answer sheet below.
What themes can you identify in your reading over the weekend?


Watch the video below by Mrs Harrop recapping word problems, but with 3 digit numbers. 

Mrs Harrop's video

Still image for this video
Now watch Mrs Norman's video. 

Mrs Norman's video.mp4

Still image for this video

Now choose your level of challenge below and answer the questions.

You might like to check your answers using the answer sheet below.

English (Spelling and Handwriting)

Click the link below and spend 20 minutes on Century Tech today, completing some of the nuggets under 'My Path.'


To access your path, click on the wiggly line icon in the top left hand corner (see the picture below). 


Century Tech has created a path just for you! It will identify any areas you are finding tricky, and give you some nuggets to practise, so you can improve!

Remember, you can re-do nuggets to try to improve your score too.


See how you get on!

In our spelling work today, we are going to be looking at the prefix 'anti.'


Make sure you have a piece of lined paper handy!

Watch Mrs Fenner's Spelling lesson below.

Pause the video when you are instructed to and complete the activities on your lined paper.



Spelling Video

Still image for this video

Write some sentences using your spelling words from this week.


Challenge: can you write a compound or complex sentence?


*Send your work on Teams as this is your Friday assignment.*

Watch Mrs Fenner's video below on joining the letters A, B and C.

Handwriting Video

Still image for this video

Complete the handwriting sheet below. 

Make sure you are joining your letters correctly!

Now, copy out the third verse of the rainforest poem below in your neatest handwriting.

Make sure you are correctly joining the letters A, B and C like you have practised. 

Mental Maths

Click the link below and complete your Century Tech nugget for today.

9 Times Table Song - Percy Parker - The Coolest Cats

Use the video to help you practise your 9 times table.


Watch the video below about Henri Rousseau.

10 Amazing Facts about Henri Rousseau

Now watch Mrs Norman's video.

Art with Mrs Norman

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2pm TEAMS 

Please login to Teams for our feedback session and collective worship.

If you are unable to join us, please complete the reflection below.

Collective Worship

Reflect on your learning this week.


Have you been the best class contributor to your Teams assignment this week?

Have you worked hard to complete the work set?

Have you listened to feedback and tried to improve your work?


Do you perhaps need to try harder with your Teams assignment next week?

Story Time

4RN: Mrs Kelley has recorded some more chapters of 'Gobbolino, the Witch's Cat.' 

Chapter 2

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4EF - Mrs Harrop has recorded the final few chapters of The Person Controller for you! Enjoy!

Chapter 50

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