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Friday 5th

Teams call 9am.

Log onto our teams call at 9am ready to hear the plan for the day. 


Century Tech:

Log onto Century Tech and complete today's assignment 'Y6 SPaG 5.2.21'.

There are three nuggets in today's assignment - make sure you complete them all.

Make sure you go back if you don't score over 80%!


Yesterday, you tried some practice decimals questions.  See if you can cement your understanding by having a go at these Reasoning and Problem Solving tasks today. smiley


Look at the 2 newspaper reports below. Choose 5 articles to read. 

Make a note of any words or phrases you could use in your own newspaper writing.


Today we are writing the beginning of our newspaper...the introductory paragraph.

PLEASE WATCH the video below and use it to help you write your own.

Writing the summary paragraph of a newspaper

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Mrs Everett and Mrs Slade-Baker's Spelling group:

Can you fill in the blanks of Mrs Everett's silly story? (Clue: The missing words are your spellings this week).


Biathlon Challenge 5th Feb

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Good afternoon!

Please log onto Teams at 2pm for our afternoon catch-up.

Collective Worship:

Look at the video below. Think about what this quote from the Bible means to you.

I am the light of the world

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