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Morning Task 8:30-9:00am


TT Rockstars - challenge your friends or try and beat your own scores.

We are checking your scores. Your target to reach at least 20mins a day!

9am Teams


Please may you log onto Teams at 9am for our Daily Welcome and explanation of the work for the day.

Guided Reading 9:30-10:00


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English 10:00-10.50


Please go onto Century Tech and complete the nugget that has been set. It is called 25/02/2021 - Proofreading.

Note your score on the unit in your English assignment. 


Then, edit your news report.

Handwriting 10.50 - 11.20


Watch this animation to learn how to correctly form the letter "x"!

Try to practice the letter x on some lined paper to ensure you understand how the letter fits within the lines. 



Once you have mastered it on paper, try this outdoor challenge!


While on your daily walk, use a twig to write the letter x on as many surfaces as possible. A tree? In a puddle? In the mud? Be creative!laugh 


Maths 11:35-12:20

Below is the answers for yesterday's word problems! Please spend today's lesson time editing and improving your work along with the video. Pause and rewind as appropriate. 


Also think about your ABC- Achievement, Build On and Challenge! Miss Watton explains this at the end of the video! laugh

Modelling the answers! Edit and Improve.mp4

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French 13:10-14:00

Watch the explanation video below and follow the link.

French Lesson

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2pm Teams 


We hope to see you for a round up of the day. There will also be a chance to share any work you have completed.

Century Tech 14.30 - 14.50


Make sure you complete all set assignments. It is important that you watch all the videos which go with the nuggets as they will help you to achieve a higher score.



Reading/Story Time 14.50 - 15.10

Try and read an Oxford Owl book online! See if you are ready for the next stage. You should all be ready to move up when you come back to school.

Collective Worship


Please watch Mr Johnson's Assembly

Prodigal Son

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