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Monday 18th

Good morning!:

Log onto Teams at 9am for our early morning 'Hello!'


Join Joe Wicks for his early morning workout.

Century Tech:

Log onto Century Tech and complete today's assignment 'Y6 Reading 18.1.21'.  There are two nuggets to complete - please don't stop half-way... smiley

Aim high - remember to have another go if you don't score over 80%!


Today, we are going to practise finding fractions of an amount (unit and non-unit fractions and, if you are given a fraction, finding the whole number)

If you are feeling confident, just have a go and challenge yourself.  However, if you are still a bit wobbly, watch any of the taught videos from last week to refresh your memory or go over it again.

There are three levels, so choose your level of challenge.


Go to the lesson below about making predictions using the context of what you're reading.

There is an 'unusual vocabulary' sheet to help you, too!


Today, please write the next section / paragraph of your walk-through.

Remember to use all the hints and tips that Mrs. Mistry gave you on Friday about editing your work and what to check for and include.

Think about 'Show, not Tell' and powerful vocabulary to keep your reader intrigued.  Good luck!



Practise your spellings for this week.  Try highlighting the part of the word that you think you might get wrong on each word so that it stands out to you (circle it in different colours / underline it etc)

Can you write them as a spelling pyramid / in rainbow colours?

Mrs Everett and Mrs Slade-Baker's Spelling group:

For those of you in this spelling group, here is the video you need to watch:

Mrs Everett's Spelling Video

Still image for this video


Watch Mrs Duncan’s video lesson about Hopes and Dreams.

After watching, make your own bunting flag showing your dream for the future. We would love you to upload these so we can print them out at school, or if not, please save them for when you come back to school, so we can display them in the classroom.


Jigsaw reflection sheet

Mrs Duncan: Dreams and Goals

Good afternoon!

Please log onto Teams at 2pm for our afternoon catch-up.

Collective Worship:

Today, Luke is leading our assembly on The Transfiguration. Click the link to watch his video.

The Transfiguration
