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9am Teams Call 

Please join us for our Teams meeting this morning 

P.E. with Joe Wicks 

Reading Comprehension 

We are now focusing on fluency and comprehension in our phonics sessions.  Please read and complete the comprehension questions that are in line with your reading stage.

Stage 6 and below  - one star

Stages 7 – 8  - two stars 

Stages 9 + - three stars 

Spelling Practice

Can you get all 6 correct? Ask an adult to test you!


Please watch this taught lesson and complete the task underneath

Draw 2D shapes


Today we want you to use your senses!


Next week we will be asking you to write a diary as the boy in the film. Before you begin to write you need to think about your experience as the boy that day. We want you to use your senses and include what you felt, saw, heard that day. 


Today please use your comic strip from Monday to add words in a different coloured pencil to show your experience or you could choose to draw a new comic strip with key parts of the story that you want to focus on.


There is an example below.

Here is the video for you to watch again to think about your senses and emotions. 

A Cloudy Lesson

Mental Maths 


Today is our first lesson this year about Easter. Please watch the video and then choose one of the activities to complete. 

Easter-Special: The Story of Easter - The Beginners Bible

You can use the pictures below to sequence the story, you can act out the story or draw a comic strip showing what happened. 

2pm Teams Call 

Collective Worship

Please watch Mrs Brazell's Assembly


Please look at the sheet below. This is to work on all week. By the end of the week you should have mastered this pattern. Some of the patterns are words and some are letter patterns for you to master. If you want to do more, try writing a sentence with these words. 

Story Time 

George's Marvellous Medicine Chapters 9&10

Listen to Mrs Rice read George's Marvellous medicine by Roald Dahl
