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Wb 13.07.20 The Environment

Welcome from Miss Tissot and Miss Ridnell

Welcome to the week!

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Can you spot what has been growing in Miss Tissot's garden? Upload what you have been growing onto Showbie. Who can spot the different fruits, vegetables and herbs? What are you growing in your garden?

Guided Reading

Your task this week is to listen to one of the stories every day. What can they teach us? Is there anything we can include to our letters to Mrs Featherstone Wright or Mrs Mistry from these stories? 

The Trouble with Dragons

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Listen as Mrs Bagshaw reads a story about the dragons. What can we learn from this story?

Use this information, and what you learned from the story, to create a poster!

Greta and the Giants

Listen as Miss Tissot reads a story called 'Greta and the Giants'.

Greta Thunberg's speech at UK climate strike

Listen to Greta's speech. Can you write and record a speech to Mrs Featherstone - Wright and Mrs Mistry? You may even want to send it to our local MP!

The Polar Bears Home Global warming

Listen as Mrs Bagshaw reads the Polar Bear's Home book. It's a lovely book about how we can help with global warming. Even the children!

How can you help the Earth?

Not for me please! I choose to act green

Listen to Miss Tissot read the story, 'Not for me please! I choose to act green.'

Dinosaurs and all that Rubbish!

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Listen as Miss Ridnell reads a story about dinosaurs!



Mrs Featherstone - Wright and Mrs Mistry need your help!

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Planning my letter Part 1

Planning my letter Part 2

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Boxing up my letter

Watch Miss Tissot organise her letter into paragraphs.

Oops! Miss Tissot made a mistake

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Alternative English

As you wrote a letter last week, here are some other ideas if you wish!

Afternoon Activities

PSHE - Recycling Song Jack Johnson 3Rs

Write a list of things you do at home to reuse, reduce and recycle.

Science - Watch the video to see how you can regrow plants using your leftovers.

One of the really cool things about kitchen scraps is that they don't all just have to get tossed into the trash, put down the garbage-disposer, or added to ...


R.E. Listen to the song. Why do you think God wants us to look after our world? Write or record your answer on Showbie.

Sing Hosanna - He's Got The Whole World In His Hand Enjoy the video? Please click the subscribe link for new videos:


Below are some resources that you can use to track the weather. You only need to use one! 

Extra Art

Use recycling to create a junk model or invention. 

Art - Can you create art out of junk?

In this video, we explore the power of flight through prototyping flying machine using junk modelling techniques Watch the video through a few times to get s...

How To Make A Junk Model Robot

How to make a junk model robot with boxes, toilet roll tubes, silver foil, glue and chopsticks -

Online Resources
