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P.E. with Joe Wickes 

Reading Comprehension

Spend 20 minutes reading a book from school or home.


When you make an inference, you use clues provided within a text or picture, along with knowledge that you already have, to figure out information that has not been given to you.


Try to infer a character's feelings, thoughts or reasons for their actions - supporting your inferences with evidence from the text.


Make a prediction about what will happen next in your book.


We are continuing to look at division with remainders today using a number line.

Watch Mrs Norman's video below.



Mrs Norman's video

Still image for this video

Now choose your level of challenge and answer the questions on the sheet below.

You might like to check your answers using the answer sheet below.


Click the link below and complete your Century Tech nugget for today on syllables.
Click on the link below, and watch the video.
Now, go through the PowerPoint below and listen to Mrs Fenner's audio clips.

Complete the activities from the PowerPoint above.


*Send this work on Teams as this is your Tuesday assignment.*

If you need more practice with syllables and clapping them out - watch the video below. 

Clap It Out - Blazer Fresh | GoNoodle

Mental Maths

Click the link below and spend 15 minutes on Century Tech today, completing some of the nuggets under 'My Path'.


To access your path, click on the wiggly line icon in the top left hand corner (see the picture below). 


Century Tech has created a path just for you! It will identify any areas you are finding tricky, and give you some nuggets to practise, so you can improve!

Remember, you can re-do nuggets to try to improve your score too.


See how you get on!

12 Times Table Song - Percy Parker - How Old Am I In Months?

Use this video to help you practise your 12 times table this week!


"Is it possible for everyone to be happy?"


Watch Mrs Fenner's RE video below.


Still image for this video

Activity: complete the sentence starters below.


Buddhists think...

I think...


You should give a detailed explanation of Buddhist beliefs about happiness, including the Buddha's life experiences and the eight-fold path.


Snorkelling and Diving - you should be aiming to write a paragraph for each sentence starter.


2pm TEAMS 

Please login to Teams for our feedback session and collective worship.

If you are unable to join us, please have a go at the prayer 'doodle' activity below. 

Safer Internet Day

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Still image for this video

Collective Worship

Watch the video clip below which is an animation of Luke 4 1-13.  In this clip we see how Jesus had great trust in God despite the devil trying to tempt him. Who do you have great trust in? Why? Share your answer with someone at home.

The Temptation of Jesus

Story Time

4RN: Mrs Kelley has recorded some more chapters of 'Gobbolino, the Witch's Cat.' 

Chapter 4

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4EF - Mrs Harrop has recorded the final few chapters of The Person Controller for you! Enjoy!

Chapter 52

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