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P.E with Joe Wickes

Reading Comprehension

Click on the link below. Watch the video and read the information.

To answer inference questions, you have to examine the whole scene.

Look at the picture below carefully and then answer the questions underneath.

Write your answers down on paper.

  1. Describe what is happening in the picture.

  2. How is the girl feeling in this picture?

  3. Why might she be feeling that way?

  4. What might the girl do next? Why do you think that?

What inferences can you make in your reading over the weekend?


Watch the video below.

The 3 times-table

Now answer the questions on the sheet below.

You might like to check your answer using the answer sheet below.

English (Spelling and Handwriting)

Watch Mrs Kelley's video on homophones below.

Mrs Kelley's Homophone Video

Still image for this video
Next, click the link below and complete your Century Tech nugget for today on homophones.

Now, complete the 'Homophone' sheet below.


Write some sentences using the new homophones you have learned in your best handwriting. 

Think carefully about your ascenders and descenders and remember to use capital letters and full stops!


Challenge: can you write a compound or complex sentence?


*Send your homophone sentences on Teams as this is your Friday assignment.*

Mental Maths

Click the link below and complete your Century Tech nugget for today on multiplying by 3.

8 Times Table Song (Cover of Rolling In The Deep by Adele)

Use the video to help you practise your 8 times table.


When we sketch, there are lots of techniques we can use that give us different effects.

Have a look at the picture below.

Activity 1: Draw yourself out a grid and try out some of these skills.

Look at the picture below by Marianne North.


Think about what you can see.

Where are the light parts and the more shaded parts?

What areas are larger?

What textures can you see?

Activity 2: Draw out your version of Marianne's art work, and, with colouring pencils, use the sketching skills from earlier to colour it in.

Ensure you have texture, shade and light.

2pm TEAMS 

Please login to Teams for our feedback session and collective worship.

If you are unable to join us, please complete the reflection below.

Collective Worship

Reflect on your learning this week.


What good ideas (Green Hat thinking) have you had?

Story Time

If you have Roald Dahl's book 'Going Solo,' read a chapter or two about his adventures.


If you don't have Roald Dahl's book 'Going Solo,' click on the link below to listen to some of the audiobook for the story. 

Roald Dahl | Going Solo - Full audiobook with text (AudioEbook)
