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Thursday World Book Day

World Book Day!

9am Teams Meeting 

Please join us as we start our day online. Can you bring your favourite book to share?

Berkshire Virtual School Games 

Reading Comprehension 

This week we are going to work through a Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar booklet. Each day there will be a few pages for you to complete. Please try and do this on your own before you ask for help.  

10:30 Live World Book Day chat 

We want you to listen to some real authors talking about how they bring their stories to life!


Please practise your spellings this week ready for your test on Friday.

Wb 1st March








Make patterns with 2D shapes

Please watch the taught video before completing the task.


Watch the video below as author and illustrator, Tom Fletcher, discusses how he came to write his books. 

World Book Day 2021: Author & Illustrator Academy: Tom Fletcher

Watch and learn with Tom Fletcher as he shares how he was inspired to create books that are fun and interactive

Would like to be an author or an illustrator? Can you design the front cover of either your favourite book or one you are going to write one day. How would you make it interactive?

Mental Maths


World Book Day 2021: Author & Illustrator Academy: Jonny Duddle

Pencils at the ready! Jonny Duddle takes you back millions of years to go dino-spotting!


Please watch the video below 

After you have watched the video please choose some of these activities to complete: 

  • What can you see around you that you might like to draw?
  • Go on a treasure hunt to find some inspiration for things you could draw.
  • On a large sheet of paper, practice drawing the things you can see.
  • Before you commit pencils or pens to paper, you might want to use string to trace the outline of your chosen things.
  • Then, add some new things from your imagination. What sort of picture can you create from putting together all of your ideas?

2pm Teams Call

Today in break out rooms we will be asking questions about returning to school on Monday. Please either have a question, something you may be worried about or something you are excited about ready to share. 

Collective Worship 

Please watch Mrs Mistry's assembly.

Thursday 4th March

Still image for this video

It's World Book Week! 

Instead of just reading a book, here are some ideas for you to try as we celebrate the love of reading! Please choose one activity a day to upload to your assignment. 


Alternative Activities 

  • Record yourself reading and post it on your assignment.

  • Review a book using the audio recording feature. 

  • Dress up as a character and post a picture on your assignment. 

  • Act out a story with your family.

  • Recommend a new book to a member of your family. 

Story Time 

Listen as Oliver Jeffers reads one of his stories called 'Stuck'. 

Oliver Jeffers - Stuck - Reading

Oliver Jeffers is one of our favourite authors in Year 2!
